- Saxes
- Dr. Saunders Jones
- Harry Bergwall
- Robert (Bob) Page
- Joe Quattrini
- Elisabeth Plunkett
- Frank Pratt, III
- Dick Prange
- Trombones
- Nathaniel Addicks
- Richard Fillmore
- Chris Randolph
- Jim Wile
- Trumpets
- Patty Bell
- Patricia Clark
- Buddy Ditthardt
- John Houghton
- Jack Howell
- Rhythm
- Guitar
- Ron Reynolds
- Bass
- Dr. David McKalip
- Keyboard
- Dr. David McKalip
- Guitar
- Vocalist
- Rodney Oliver Banks
- In memory of those who we have lost:
- Richard Holmes
- David Snipes
- Alton Vandiver
- Don Sipos
- Keith Henrich
When we die, we will turn into songs, and we will hear each other and remember each other.
– Rob Sheffield